Workshop with stakeholders in Campos de María, Colombia
The first workshop with stakeholders in the Campos de María…
DiverSus is an international Nucleus, with headquarters at the
Multidisciplinary Institute of Plant Biology (CONICET – National University of Cordoba, Argentina).
“Nucleus” refers to a flexible administrative structure, in which the interaction between members is planned and structured on the basis of the needs of each particular project.
The flexible structure allows members to interact differently as required by each particular project, with interactions ranging from close collaboration on the same project and study site over several years, to participation in virtual forums on emerging issues bounded in time.
The main purpose of DiverSus is to conduct high-quality research in the areas of biodiversity, ecosystems and sustainability, in response to socially-relevant problems. Within this main objective are the following more specific objectives:
To generate original knowledge within the fields of ecology and sustainability, science, within an interdisciplinary framework
To create new theoretical frameworks and methodologies in order to facilitate the interface between physical, biological and social sciences around complex problems involving socio-environmental systems.
To contribute to capacity building in the areas of ecology and sustainability science, with an emphasis in Latin America and the Caribbean.
To organize and facilitate analysis and synthesis on emergent topics.
The first workshop with stakeholders in the Campos de María…
With the aim of co-producing research questions within the framework…
Project member Dr. Daniel Cáceres was a key note speaker…
During the Celebration Conference of DIVERSITAS held in Seville, Spain,…
As part of the first stage of our project “Socio-ecological…
The first workshop with stakeholders in the Chancaní site was…
A report published on the web site of the Argentina…