As part of the first stage of our project “Socio-ecological resilience in the face of global environmental change in heterogeneous landscapes – building a common platform for understanding and action”, between February 10th and March 9th, 2021, we developed an carried out interviews with different social actors of the Pontal do Paranapanema region – Brazil. The actors were distributed among the municipalities of Teodoro Sampaio (SP), Mirante do Paranapanema (SP) and Euclides de Cunha (SP). We interviewed ten rural settlers of agrarian reform, three representatives of llarge-scale agricultural productions (grains, cattle and sugar cane) and three researchers associated with important public and private institutions and NGOs, such as the Institute of Ecological Research (IPÊ) and the ‘Luiz de Queiroz’ High School of Agriculture (ESALQ/USP) that have been producing knowledge in the region for a considerable time. Overall, we have interviewed 16 local actors.