Furey C, Tecco PA, Pérez Harguindeguy N, Giorgis MA, Grossi M (2014) The importance of native and exotic plant identity and dominance on decomposition patterns in mountain woodlands of central Argentina. Acta Oecologica 54:13-20. Posted by By peter October 10, 2013Posted in2013, Publications
Díaz S, Purvis A, Cornelissen JHC, Mace GM, Donoghue MJ, Ewers RM, Jordano P, Pearse WD (2013) Functional traits, the phylogeny of function, and ecosystem service vulnerability. Ecology and Evolution 3(9):2958-2975. Posted by By peter July 30, 2013Posted in2013, Publications
Vaieretti MV, Cingolani AM, Pérez Harguindeguy N, Cabido M (2013) Effects of differential grazing on decomposition rate and nitrogen availability in a productive mountain grassland Plant Soil 371(1-2):675-691. Posted by By peter July 20, 2013Posted in2013, Publications
Silvetti F, Soto G, Cáceres D, Cabrol D (2013) ¿Por qué la legislación no protege a los bosques nativos de Argentina? Conflictos socioambientales y políticas públicas en la Provincia de Córdoba. Mundo Agrario 13(26). Posted by By peter June 1, 2013Posted in2013, Publications
Lohbeck M, Poorter L, Lebrija-Trejos E, Martínez-Ramos M, Meave JA, Paz H, Pérez-García EA, Romero-Pérez IE, Tauro A, Bongers F (2013) Successional changes in functional composition contrast for dry and wet tropical forest. Ecology 94:1211–1216. Posted by By peter June 1, 2013Posted in2013, Publications
Pérez-Harguindeguy N, Díaz S, Garnier E, Lavorel S, Poorter H, Jaureguiberry P, Bret-Harte MS, Cornwell WK, Craine JM, Gurvich DE, Urcelay C, Veneklaas EJ, Reich PB, Poorter L, Wright IJ, Ray P, Enrico L, Pausas JG, de Vos AC, Buchmann N, Funes G, Quétier F, Hodgson JG, Thompson K, Morgan HD, ter Steege H, van der Heijden MGA, Sack L, Blonder B, Poschlod P, Vaieretti MV, Conti G, Staver AC, Aquino S, Cornelissen JHC (2013) New handbook for standardised measurement of plant functional traits worldwide. Australian Journal of Botany 61:167-234. Posted by By peter April 24, 2013Posted in2013, Publications
Conti G, Enrico L, Casanoves F, Díaz S (2013) Shrub biomass estimation in the semiarid Chaco forest: a contribution to the quantification of an underrated carbon stock. Annals of Forest Science 70(5):515-524. doi 10.1007/s13595-013-0285-9. Posted by By peter April 19, 2013Posted in2013, Publications
Marinidou E, Finegan B, Jiménez-Ferrer G, Delgado D, Casanoves F (2013) Concepts and a methodology for evaluating environmental services from trees of small farms in Chiapas, México. Journal of Environmental Management 114:115-124. Posted by By peter January 15, 2013Posted in2013, Publications
Tecco P, Urcelay C, Díaz S, Cabido M, Pérez-Harguindeguy N (2013) Contrasting functional trait syndromes underlay woody alien success in the same ecosystem. Austral Ecology 38(4):443-451. Posted by By peter January 1, 2013Posted in2013, Publications
Conti G, Díaz S (2013) Plant functional diversity and carbon storage -an empirical test in semiarid forest ecosystems. Journal of Ecology 101:18-28. Posted by By peter January 1, 2013Posted in2013, Publications