Featured photo credit IISD (https://enb.iisd.org/ipbes/ipbes2/14dec.html) In its Second Plenary, closed on Sunday 14 December in Turkey, Antalya, IPBES adopted its Conceptual Framework, whose development has been spearheaded by Prof. Sandra Díaz. She also participated…
A report published on the web site of the Argentina National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) highlights the patented invention for measuring plant flammability. The device was developed by…
Several DiverSus members participated in a workshop carried out with junior and senior students at the Chancaní High School. The main objectives proposed to the students in this workshop were: (a)…
The symposium co-organised by Prof. Díaz at the INTECOL is addressed in the "Highlights" section of the current issue of the DIVERSITAS Newsletter (2013, #4). Other activities carried out by…
The short film entitled "How do we value benefits from nature?", which was used during the workshops with stakeholders carried out in the first stage of the project (IAI CRN…
Several articles have been recently published by members of DiverSus in high-visibility scientific journals. The articles show results of diffrent topics addressed by our research network in different sites of the…
Photo credit: The University of British Columbia Prof. Roy Turkington from the University of British Columbia is visiting the IMBIV in a sabbatical year and has joined DiverSus. As part of…
During the month of July, we performed a series of feedback workshops with different social groups. This activity allowed us to present the main ecological and social results that emerged…
The complete printed version of this open access article is available here. It can also be downloaded from the Australian Journal of Botany website through this link. A Spanish version of the handbook…
Dr. Lucas Enrico gave an oral presentation at the 56th Annual Symposium of the IAVS recently held in Tartu, Estonia. The title of the presentation was "A test of the…