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Peña-Claros, M., Fredericksen, T. S., Alarcón, A., Blate, G. M., Choque, U., Leaño, , Licona, J. C., Mostacedo, B., Pariona, W., Villegas, Z., Putz, F. E. 2008. Beyond reduced-impact logging: silvicultural treatments to increase growth rates of tropical trees. Forest Ecology and Management 256: 1458-1467. Posted by By admin May 3, 2008Posted in2008, Publications
Casanoves, F., Di Rienzo, J.A. & Pla, L. 2008. User Manual of F-Diversity: Statistical Software for the Analysis of Functional Diversity. First Edition (ISBN: 978-987-05-5238-3), pp. 57. Posted by By admin April 29, 2008Posted in2008, Publications
Cáceres, D.M., Silvetti F., Díaz S, Calvo ,S & Quétier F. 2008. Modernize or die? Environmental winners and losers in Argentina’s agricultural boom. In Tiessen, H. & Stewart, J.W.B. (Eds.): Applying Ecological Knowledge to Landuse Decisions. SCOPE, IAI & IICA ; pp. 65-72 Posted by By admin April 29, 2008Posted in2008, Publications
Zak, M.R., Cabido, M., Cáceres, D. and Díaz, S. 2008. What drives accelerated land cover change in central Argentina? Synergistic consequences of climatic, socio-economic and technological factors. Environmental Management 42:181-189. Posted by By admin April 29, 2008Posted in2008, Publications
Poorter, L. 2008. The importance of cell wall-, gas-, and water content of tree stems for the performance and life history variation of tropical trees. Annals of Botany 102: 367-375. Posted by By admin April 29, 2008Posted in2008, Publications
Bret-Harte, M.S., Mack, M.C., Goldsmith, G.R., Sloan, D.B., DeMarco, J., Shaver, G.R., Ray, P.M., Biesinger, Z. and F.S. Chapin, III. 2008. Plant functional types do not predict biomass responses to removal and fertilization in Alaskan tussock tundra. Journal of Ecology 96: 713-726. Posted by By admin April 29, 2008Posted in2008, Publications
Pérez-Harguindeguy N., Díaz S., Vendramini F. et al. (2007) Direct and indirect effects of climate on decomposition in native ecosystems from central Argentina. Austral Ecol. 32 , 749–757. Posted by By admin May 3, 2007Posted in2007, Publications
Cingolani, A.M., Cabido, M., Gurvich, D.E., Renison, D. & Díaz, S. 2007. Filtering processes in the assembly of plant communities: are species presence and abundance driven by the same traits? Journal of Vegetation Science 19: 911-920. Posted by By admin May 3, 2007Posted in2007, Publications
Díaz, S., Lavorel S., Chapin F.S.III., Tecco P.A., Gurvich D.E. and Grigulis K. 2007. Functional biodiversity – at the crossroads between responses to the environment and ecosystem functioning. In Canadell, J., Pitelka L.F. and Pataki D. (Eds.) Terrestrial Ecosystems in a Changing World. Springer-Verlag. In press. Posted by By admin April 29, 2007Posted in2007, Publications