First Project Workshop
La Cumbre La Cumbre, Córdoba, ArgentinaOur first project workshop was a success!It took place in La Cumbre, Argentina.
Our first project workshop was a success!It took place in La Cumbre, Argentina.
Our Second Project Workshop took place in the Quebrada del Condorito National Park (Argentina) on 2-4 December 2008. Progress was made in planning inter-site analyses of species and trait data,…
Sandra Díaz has been elected a foreign associate of the National Academy of Science of the United States, in the Section on Ecology and Environmental Sciences. Find out more on…
Several members of DiverSus participated in the second Open Science Conference of Diversitas, which took place in Cape Town (South Africa) on 12-15 October. We co-organized a symposium on functional…
A synthesis of results from the on-line consultation on biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being in Latin America and the Caribbean carried-out by DiverSus can be downloaded in English and Spanish. Find more…
Our Third Project Workshop took place at the CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica) on 13-18 November 2010. We discussed inter-site analyses of species and trait data, results on the decomposition experiments and in…
Professor Lijbert Brussaard from Wageningen University visited the IMBIV, Córdoba. Many researchers and students from the IMBIV and other institutions attended his conference entitled "Trade-offs and synergies among (agro)biodiversity, food…
The first team workshop of our project IAI SGP-HW090 on co-design and socio-ecological resilience was carried out in Córdoba, Argentina, in September 2019.
The first workshop with stakeholders in the Copo site was carried out in the Copo National Park facilities, Santiago del Estero Province, Argentina in November 2019.
The first workshop with stakeholders in the Chancaní site was carried out in the facilities of the town school in March 2020.
The first workshop with stakeholders in the Campos de María site, Colombia, was carried out in May 2020.
The second team workshop was carried out virtually in December 2020.