-Prof. Díaz was a plenary speaker at the session “State of the Planet: Ecosystems”. Prof. Díaz’s presentation can be accessed through this link.
-Dr. Daniel Cáceres and Dr. Esteban Tapella participated in the parallel session “Land-use change, ecosystem services and wellbeing: threats, conflicts opportunities and the science-policy interface”, which was co-organized by DiverSus. Dr. Cáceres’s presentation “An Interdisciplinary and Multi-stakeholder Methodology to Link Ecosystem Services and Social Heterogeneity” and Dr. Tapella’s presentation “How Social Actors Perceive and Value Ecosystem Services? A Case Study from Central Argentina” can be accessed through this link.
-Dra. Georgina Conti participated in the poster session “Current and future trends in CO2 emissions and sinks”, presenting a poster entitled “Quantifying Changes in Aboveground Carbon Stocks Due to Land-Cover Change in a Subtropical Dry Chaco Forest in Western Córdoba, Argentina”