Dr. Juli G. Pausas visited the IMBIV

Dr. Juli G. Pausas visited the IMBIV

Dr. Pausas, a renowned fire ecologist from the Centro de Investigaciones sobre Desertificación, Valencia, España, was invited by DiverSus to visit the IMBIV. As part of his visit he gave…
IPBES has now a Conceptual Framework and a Work Plan

IPBES has now a Conceptual Framework and a Work Plan

Featured photo credit IISD (https://enb.iisd.org/ipbes/ipbes2/14dec.html) In its Second Plenary, closed on Sunday 14 December in Turkey, Antalya, IPBES adopted its Conceptual Framework, whose development has been spearheaded by Prof. Sandra Díaz. She also participated…

Prof. Díaz on the DIVERSITAS Newsletter

The symposium co-organised by Prof. Díaz at the INTECOL is addressed in the "Highlights" section of the current issue of the DIVERSITAS Newsletter (2013, #4). Other activities carried out by…